Crisis in New York:
Noise & Depression

→Motion Design

→Installation Design

→Speculative Design

Team work with: Yuxin Chai


It’s an interdisciplinary project that researches the relationship between noise and depression in Manhattan. We started from overlap the maps of data, then dived into ground theory research by interviewing people (25 samples) at parks on Manhattan. The challenge through the process was diverse approaches of engagement, which brought us to have a dynamic design response to reflect on the subject from different angles.

Prototype Artifact


The park in New York should become a place that can reduce the noise in the city. Instead of being a natural function place, the park in Manhattan still polluted by the noise from surroundings, such as construction sound. In this project, we respond to the noise problem in the park environment. We make a structure “Noise Tree” to reflect that the sound pollution of park affecting the true essence of its function.

Response I - Miniature

把大自然的聲音與體驗帶回城市中,Miniature是個聲音裝置,將四季大自然的聲音混合並放置於帳篷之中。 以此回應都市噪音污染,並邀請路人們到此放鬆。

Miniature is a sound installation that generates the previous remixed sound of nature for the passing by people to stop and rest on it. The initial purpose is to restore the "urbanization green" to be more convincing by offering a multi-sensory experience in which the pedestrian has a space to immerse in nature soundscape and escape from the noise of the city. The sound in this installation is inspired by the four seasons of nature, which include water, wind to the variable sounds of living organism.

Response II - Concrete Jungle

Concrete Jungle 噪音調節器,用來裝置於吵雜環境周遭,將噪音化為節拍。以此回應噪音污染的城市環境。

The modulator is a speculative design that transforms the noise into beats. Through the short video, the Concrete Jungle, we are demonstrating the function of this modulator.
