Good Toy 傑大好玩具

→Graphic Deisgn

→Motion Design

Good Toy 傑大好玩具為列車微縮模型專賣店,主要代理日本列車品牌及歐洲模型造景品牌。

此專案主要負責為將原有的 Logo 動態化,並配合不同活動製作行銷素材,主要類型有電商 Banner、店面宣傳資訊與社群媒體貼文的尺寸轉換。
Good Toy is a specialty store for train miniatures, focusing on train model scenery. In this brand, I was responsible for animating the existing logo and creating marketing materials for various events. This included designing e-commerce banners, in-store promotional materials, and social media posts.